Home:ALL Converter>PrimeNg persist column resize state in localstorage

PrimeNg persist column resize state in localstorage

Ask Time:2018-11-13T19:41:10         Author:Muhammed Albarmavi

Json Formatter

I 'm try to implement order,toggle,resize (Fit Mode) feture on primeng table so far order and toggle update selectedColumns array so if I save the current value of it I manage to save current user setting like toggle,order.

my problem with resize primeng doesn't give any information about the new value of columns after resize so I couldn't find any way to get the current state of resize and save it like order and toggle.

stackblitz demo


Author:Muhammed Albarmavi,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53280266/primeng-persist-column-resize-state-in-localstorage